Winter has Come to an End
Finally, a brutal winter has
come to an end From thee, the
hope out of a disappointing year
Everest Base Camp Hike
From you, I have been distant in the summer
When, I went to Nepal dressed in shorts and shirt
I had a spirit of youth
Happy is the man who lives with
little and does not hoard
For he belongs to the kingdom of god
Have I fallen in love?
The forward I move
The more I feel in love
Why do I feel less sleep
A Lost Generation
As they searched for artistic freedom
A generation came and gone
Then, came another generation
You alone Lord make me dwell in safety
You alone lord make me dwell in safety
You rejoice me with my smile
You hear me when I am distressed
May the blessing of the Lord be upon you
May the blessing of the
lord be upon you
Despite the troubles
Fail me not
Fail me not Oh God
Wherever I go
You are with me
Catch me if you can
Catch me if you can
Whether I am driving or
flying in the plane
How sweet is your love?
How sweet is your love
That keeps me moving
Despite a tiring day
Rishi Panchami
A day to honor ancient sages is Rishi Panchami
Where women devote and fast
To purify their bodies and souls
Remember me when I am gone
Remember me when I am gone
So far away into the wilderness
That I shall not return
Is it the will of God that inspires me?
Is it the will of God that inspires me?
My heart and legs are tired from digging the field
Should my shoulders be able to bear burden to dig?
Queen Elizabeth II
How sweet and lovely was the Queen Elizabeth II
That ruled the British kingdom
Who smelled like a fragrance of rose
Power to change
They who have the power
to change and will do nothing
Will indeed be wiped away some day
If love were true
If love were true, I would live forever
Unlike a deceived wife facing fear
Of retaliation from beloved husband
How do I let you steal away from me?
But how do I let you steal away from me
For you were supposed to be my
daughter for the rest of life
Mr E, family and slave
I feel like a slave to the master
In a country governed by capitalism
I go to work and do
War in Palestine
My love for me is what
keeps me alive Although there
has been war for last ten months
A Squirrel
Like a squirrel running towards the nut
So do our life come to an end
Each day is an opportunity to be better
Travel to Mars
If there was a new imagination
That could lead human to Mars
In a spaceship so big
The sole survivor
God give me all you can
Whether it’s the pleasure or pain
At your hands I crave to understand
Save the love for the ocean
Save the love for the ocean;
be renewed by the waves
Thy glory is higher than my appetite for food
Simon Biles
Neither gold nor silver nor bronze medal
Of Olympics shall outclass the power of Simon Biles
You’re already the greatest and brightest
Rose is the world
Oh How much more do I love your beauty
By your sweet curls of hair that is glittering?
The roses shine in red despite sweltering heat
What am I made of ?
Who am I, what am I made of?
Those millions of atoms shadows on I tend
Since, every atom is a tiny drop like water
Am I the rich who has been blessed?
So am I the rich who has been blessed
Can bring happiness to others with my treasure
My treasure are my colored leaves
Sitting in the desk next to the gorgeous Diamond lake
Waiting for eagle to take break
I kept waiting to catch their first sight
Playing Piano at St Mary’s Church
Standing in a desk of piano at
St Mary’s Church was a bottle of water
Which I bought for half a dollar
Mr. E
Hi my name is Mr. E,
And I live with my family.
But, I have to pay a fee
Triangle Shirtwaist Factory Fire
March 25, 1911 was the day
When the fire at Triangle Shirtwaist
Factory in New York City was underway
My rocking chair: At home
I had a rocking chair
Which I brought from Goodwill dear
It was such an amazing chair
Diamond Lake Park- Gaze
Gaze at water in the lake
It’s a beautiful Christmas break
It may be December and a windy icy day
Beautiful night full of stars
Owls sit in the trees and listen
Wise are their eyes as they see
Trees are my sanctuaries when I feel low
When I feel low, I look at the trees
Which are the glory of parks and forests
A neurosurgeon performing surgery
A neurosurgeon performing surgery
I am deep in my thoughts
Like a neurosurgeon performing a surgery on a patient
50 Digits of Pi
I learned 50 digits of pi
I don’t know why,
But I did it when I was about to die.
Day brighten night when dream come true
When I most think, do mine eyes best see
The poverty in America that affects everyone
But when I sleep in dreams, my eyes imagine thee
I love her alone
My true love has my heart and I have Hers
Because we both love each other dearly
Despite she being the true cause of my grief
Eyes that ring freedom
Those pretty eyes that ring freedom
When I’m surrounded in your heart
Your smile and your beauty fits well to the fall colors
Thy Praise
Oh Lord how I sing to you with thy praise
When all of me is made by you
Praise be to you Oh Lord as you bring praise to me
From her Tears Grew the Rose
From her tears grew the rose
Symbolizing her strength and resilience
Ravens love rose because they lighten the world
Sing Your Praise
Oh Lord I sing your praise with obedience
As I stand here with my better half
Praising thy instead of praising myself
You Take Away my Love
What have I gained in falling in love with you?
My whole life has been a mystery without love
Wondering away from place to place
Narrow is the Gate
Narrow is the gate that leads the life to heaven
Few are those who pass through it
Understand that you will be judged by the deeds you do
Homage to the Rising Sun
Homage to the rising sun above the mountain
Lifted up his burning spirit under the sun’s sky
Bestowed with a new sight
In the Mirror
In the mirror, I see my own image
Close to that of my lovely mother
Now is the time to create another face
If only I can use my Imagination
If only I can use my imagination
I’m saved by grace through faith
When the dreary winters besieged my body
What am I to Fear?
What am I to fear?
To examine the city with a clear perception of good and evil
Interpreting human actions in relation to eternity
Tribute to Saint Augustine
Oh Lord God you promised a beautiful day
How diligently you covered the sky with clouds
To let the rain fall out in the way of truth
Large and intelligent was the dark black crow
Who kept flying with hoarse and cawing voices
His only will was to reach his final destination
How Prayer Strengthens my Relationship with God
Brothers and Sisters, today I’m here to talk about how prayer strengthens my relationship with God. How many of you
Ultimate Hope of Ancestors
You may shoot me with your sophisticated weapon
But, I will fire you back with my powerful words
Because my weapon is kindness
History Lover
Is it the bird or is It the air?
Can you see that I’m a man without fear?
Oh God
Hear me Oh God as I rise through the ashes
Feel me Oh God as I travel through the fire