Mr E, family and slave

Mr E, family and slave

Salt harverting in Vietnam, by Quangpraha

I feel like a slave to the master

In a country governed by capitalism

I go to work and do the work given by my master

Is work creative and meaningful at all?

I question to myself but then I look at the reward

A biweekly paycheck to feed me and my family

I cannot complain but focus on my creativity

To solve the problem in collaboration with others

Because I am Mr. E

Who was once stung by a bee

Giving me a superhuman ability

To fly through the works at a super-fast pace

Although I am still a slave

Who waits for the clock to hit the evening

So that I can go to my family with treats

And hug my kids with love

Because I feel happy to be with them

As they are the world to me

And their will is my will

As I would do anything for them

Without thinking if and how it would cause me ill.

War in Palestine

War in Palestine

War and suffering

My love for me is what keeps me alive

Although there has been war for last ten months

And I have lost my parents, a brother and a sister

But my spirit is stronger than the radiation of the sun

Amidst war, I pray to the God in desperation

Asking for the answer to senseless war

Which has left millions of people without homes

I ask for peace and war to end

So that we can get out of tent

And return back to our home

Because we miss our home

Where we lived, cooked food and played together with other children

Once again my love for God is greater than myself

Because thy Holy spirit is always with me

Whether my country is in war or in peace

I still love my country and would give my life for it

Because my heart smiles when I see the mountains

And the sunrise overlooking the mountains!

A Squirrel

A Squirrel

Squirrel at Algonkian Park Virginia, Sohan

Like a squirrel running towards the nut

So do our life come to an end

Each day is an opportunity to be better

In toiling hard for forward-looking success

The squirrel took birth in the year of horse

Like a nine-month old baby crawling to a bed

Hungry on the day of solar eclipse

Such is the beauty of life

That squirrels move along with time

Only to be confounded

Which is the greatest gift?

Life or time

Time heals as flourished squirrels are in search for food

And they parallel with humans in sparkling black eyes

Feeding on the rare nuts from trees

Because nothing stands to fear them but their will

To overcome fear is what leads them to stand still

While I praise thee, despite his creation

A squirrel is forever indebted to mercy

Travel to Mars

Travel to Mars

Mars graphics art

If there was a new imagination

That could lead human to Mars

In a spaceship so big

Which was the invention of Space Y

About the size of Cowboy stadium

And the product of hard labor

140 million miles from the Sun

Is the red planet, a beauty to behold

A journey of years in the making

To understand what it is composed of?

It’s characteristic color leaves all people mesmerized

That I might leave to see what the world would say

In the year 2050 when first humans will land

Whether they are better or worse

Because our evolution and knowledge of Mars

Will surpass all understanding and trajectory

It’s been 51 years the first man in moon made history

I am sure of glory of the former days

But I am ready to see the future

Because in Mars I see my vision

A belief to unify the world

And give praise to the God of universe

Who is adored and deserves admirations

Because to him belongs the land, the earth and the Mars! 

The sole survivor

The sole survivor

A surviving veteran of the Korean War Sohan

God give me all you can

Whether it’s the pleasure or pain

At your hands I crave to understand

The new world bestowed to me in baptism

Oh let me suffer for your will is greater than mine

As I meditate on it day and night

Singing praise to you my Lord

Give me liberty or death

In your absence, I will be silence

As I grow my patience with each hardship that I face

I become a strong and resilient man

As I belong to the special unit of lawyers armed with evidence

To bring justice to victims

Whether it is good or ill

Still my will is not to be blamed

Because I have been patiently waiting for all these years

To maintain my dominance

As I am the sole survivor

Because I have seen the hell while living here in the earth.